Purchasing Information

We understand the importance of trust and reliability in online transactions, so we partner with to ensure a safe and secure buying experience through their Domain Concierge Service.

What is the Domain Concierge Service?

The Domain Concierge Service will hold the domain securely in's registrar account throughout the transaction and ensure safe delivery to the buyer.

Many buyers and sellers prefer the security of an independent third party completing the transfer of the domain on their behalf. Their staff will manage the receipt of both the funds and the domain into's secure accounts, check the domain against the purchase agreement and complete the transfer to the buyer for security at every stage in the transaction. holds accounts with all major registrars and can usually receive your domain via push.

How Domain Concierge Service Works

  • Buyers, Sellers and Brokers use the Domain Concierge Service when setting up a domain transaction on

  • Once created, will prompt the buyer and seller to agree to the transaction

  • When the transaction has been agreed by all parties, we request the buyer to send funds and the seller to transfer the domain(s) to's secure holding account.

  • When the domain(s) are received in our holding account and have been checked against the purchase agreement, will transfer the domain(s) to the buyer's registrar and disburse funds to the seller. As the domain has already been checked by, there is no need for an inspection period.

Reliable and Secure Transactions

When you buy a domain through us, your transaction is safeguarded by, a leader in secure online payments. This partnership guarantees that both your funds and your new domain are protected until all terms of the purchase are fully met.

Your Investment is Protected

With, your payment is securely held until you are fully satisfied with the domain transfer. This escrow service minimizes risk and ensures that the domain name you are purchasing is exactly as promised.

Simple and Clear Process

Here's what to expect when you purchase a domain with us:

  • Agreement on Terms: You and the seller agree on the domain name and the sale price under conditions facilitated by

  • Secure Payment: Instead of paying the seller directly, you send your payment to, where it is securely held. This ensures that your funds are protected during the domain transfer process.

  • Domain Transfer: The domain name is transferred to your control. You'll have the chance to verify that the domain is now registered in your name.

  • Confirmation and Finalization: will release the funds to the seller after confirming that the domain is correctly transferred.